The Projects page
The following is a list of some projects and applications that I have worked on during my four years while attending LeTourneau University. Source code for projects are available on request.
Newest Project: Oneiron Games
Oneiron Games is a huge endeavor that I have just undertook. For more information about what Oneiron Games is, please see the Oneiron Games page here.
Software Clicker: Project Management
Created for Software Engineering II class at LeTourneau University, the Software Clicker was intended to accomplish the following:
For this project, I was given the role as the Project Manager. The project had nine other students, each given their own roles in the software development cycle. As Project Manager, it was my responsibility to construct an initial timeline for the project, as well as maintain the timeline throughout the project by getting information from the team leaders and by updating the chart's tasks when necessary. I also was required to create and maintain a level of communication between each of the different teams and brief the Software Engineering Director and the other programmers on the status of the project. I was my responsibility to collect artifacts after each review from the team leaders to be baselined and submitted to Configuration Management.
All documentation and information regarding the Software Clicker project can be found on the following website: Software Clicker
- "Create a TCP-based text-based pair of client and server programs in which the server sends a series of questions and multi-choice answers to each client, the client anonymously gathers student responses to each question and sends the answers back to the server, and the server tabulates the answers and displays the results on its screen. All questions and answers are read by the server from a formatted text file and stored in the program before use. The questions shall be presented to the client either one at a time (single mode) or in a group (quiz mode)"
For this project, I was given the role as the Project Manager. The project had nine other students, each given their own roles in the software development cycle. As Project Manager, it was my responsibility to construct an initial timeline for the project, as well as maintain the timeline throughout the project by getting information from the team leaders and by updating the chart's tasks when necessary. I also was required to create and maintain a level of communication between each of the different teams and brief the Software Engineering Director and the other programmers on the status of the project. I was my responsibility to collect artifacts after each review from the team leaders to be baselined and submitted to Configuration Management.
All documentation and information regarding the Software Clicker project can be found on the following website: Software Clicker
Java Programming
I have done extensive programming in Java, and have created many graphical and non-GUI applications and games. As shown to the right, I created a fully working two-player chess game. I am currently editing this program so that the game will be single-player against a computer AI that uses heuristic algorithms to search for the best moves by using a database of previously played games.
I also worked with a team to create a TCP-network based text RPG that allowed multiple people to create characters and battle together against enemies and clear dungeons in a Dungeon and Dragons-like style.
I also worked with a team to create a TCP-network based text RPG that allowed multiple people to create characters and battle together against enemies and clear dungeons in a Dungeon and Dragons-like style.
Game Development
In my Game Development class at LeTourneau University, I worked with many development tools to create games and applications, including Game Maker, Unity, and Python (with Pygame library). Executable versions of the projects for this class are available upon request. For our final project for this class, the group of five recreated the game Tyrian, a top-down scrolling plane shooter in Python, called Pyrian